Friday, June 28, 2013

Me workim kaikai long kaukau

I know, you are just itching to know what I just said. Me workim kaikai long kaukau means I make food from a sweet potato. Today we went to the village and our task was to cook kau kau (pronounced cow cow) and learn the Tok Pisin words involved in the cooking process. My language helper, Rose, speaks very good English, but she told my group today that she would no longer speak English to us. She was going to do every lesson in Tok Pisin. That way we are forced to understand the language and start picking up words contextually. I was a little scared when she first told us that, but it actually was not that hard at all to understand her.

Even though I have only been here 1.5 weeks, I absolutely love it. The heat and humidity doesn't bug me anymore, and the people here are just phenomenal. God has really laid a lot on my heart, and everyday that I am down here I desire to come back. Please pray for me that I would listen to God's will and not make decisions based on my own desires. If God wants me back here, He will provide the way. I need to sit back, listen, and go where He tells me to go. I see so many ways the Lord could use me down here (mission base teaching and dorm parenting are really catching my eye), but I don't want to set my heart on anything that the Lord doesn't have in store for me. Sorry this was more of a request than a true update, but I know all of you who read this will keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I finish my time down in PNG.

Well time for a nap before my next class (I'm so glad we aren't so busy that I can't take my naps), so this is all for now. Thanks for the never ending support everybody!

Fit Meri (strong lady)

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