Friday, June 21, 2013

Pun Down (pronounced poon down)

Hello everybody!

I know it has only been a few days since I have been away, but so much has happened already! Yesterday (June 20th) we made our first visit to the village to start learning Pidgin and about the culture. My language helper was Rose, and she was HILARIOUS! I was with my friend Jesse and we followed Rose around the village writing down the names of new Pidgin words while trying to navigate the slippery, muddy jungle with no shoes (Rose said we need tough feet, and since it rained just before we arrived we needed to leave the shoes in the van so we could grip the tree vines and rocks while walking). I was so proud of myself that I wasn't slipping too bad, and I was hearing and understanding everything Rose was saying until we started to walk down were the Sak Sak tree was (I'll explain the significance of that in another blog). It was a very steep area that was practically all mud. Instead of paying attention to where Rose was putting her feet I started to venture out on my own, and boom, the next thing I know, my bum was in a pile of mud! I did a little yelp (I wasn't hurt, just caught off guard) and Rose turned around and busted out laughing. Jesse, Rose, and I just stood there and laughed for about 2 minutes before we could finally walk again. That was when Rose decided it was important I learn the words for fall down...Pun Down. I know I will never forget that Pidgin phrase as long as I live :)

Village life was completely different, but I really did have an amazing time. I can't wait until I can go back and learn many other things. God has already shown me so much already, and I haven't even been here a whole week! I'm so excited to see what God has in store for my future because I really am starting to develop a heart for these phenomenal Nationals (PNG citizens prefer nationals to natives because natives is very offensive, just a PNG fun fact for ya). Anyways these silly people want me to play some volleyball with them (boy are they mistaken about my abilities), so this is all for now!

Thanks for the prayers folks!

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